free tesla anyone?
April 2023
How can you sell more stuff? How can you sell more stuff? That’s the big question, isn’t it?
Whether you’re a manufacturer, wholesaler, retailer or freight forwarder, the success of your business hugely depends on your ability to sell more of what you do.
Since the internet changed the world all those years ago, the way we buy and sell things has changed. Business owners have got smarter.

In this hyper-competitive, do-or-die world, many businesses have learnt how to market and how to sell. But buyers have got smarter too. Sick of being constantly sold, buyers have learnt to recognise the slick sales techniques and have built up a level of immunity. They no longer fall for every sales trick in the book.
But there’s one sales strategy that never fails – if you do it right. Offers. Now, I’m not talking about measly and weak “5% off” offers – I mean, when did you last feel motivated into action by saving yourself a couple of quid, I mean really clever, well-thought-out high-value offers. Offers can make all the difference. Offers can motivate people to buy, even in a bad market.
That’s what this one New Zealand property owner really understands…House prices in New Zealand have seen their biggest drop in 30 years recently, so what did this anonymous property owner do to help sell his $1.8m home? He created a killer offer.
Buy the house, get a free Tesla.
Now, I don’t know if a free Tesla is enough to convince you to buy a home, but if you’re deciding between two houses that you like, then the Tesla might just swing it.
In business, it’s unlikely that you can offer a free Tesla to every customer that comes along. But I imagine you can do something to sweeten the deal? I’ve recently started looking into something called Gewards. It’s like a points card that allows us to reward customers, without breaking any of the laws around “backhanders” here in the UK.
So how about you? What offers do you have? How do you tempt people to buy from you, and not your competition? Do you offer them a Tesla, or something else?