fitter, faster or stronger?
july 2022
Are you proud of where you come from?
As you probably know, I’m a proud Brummie. Born and raised in the West Midlands, I’m a bit of a patriot when it comes to my home town. Birmingham might not be known for being the most beautiful of places, but what it lacks in aesthetics it makes up for in opportunity, amenities and good people. It might be a big city, but it’s still got a bit of a community feel to it.
When big things happen, people get excited. We come together to celebrate, collaborate and even commiserate. And this coming month is no different.

From 28th July to 8th August, Birmingham will be hosting the Commonwealth Games. It’s a huge honour to be selected for such an important sporting event with more than 5000 athletes from around the world battling it out for first place.
Now, as with any large event like this, there were huge freight contracts to be won – they went to big boys of course – but hey ho, that’s the nature of the business. But it’s not the business opportunities of the Commonwealth Games that interest me – it’s the athletes.
You see, no one trains harder than a competing athlete. All day, every day, everything they do is carefully calculated to bring them closer to their desired result. And I think we have a lot to learn from them.
When you’re running a business it can be easy to think that training doesn’t matter. I mean, you’re already good at what you do or you wouldn’t be in business. But I don’t see it that way. I think we need to train and constantly get better – just like athletes do.
What kind of training do I do? I read books, attend seminars, watch videos and I’ve recently joined a coaching programme too. So what are you doing to flex your business muscles and get fitter, faster or stronger?