Are you too comfortable?
March 2023
As business owners, you’ll probably have heard this saying before… “Success is on the other side of your comfort zone”
And I bet you read that now and smile and nod your head thinking “Yeah, I know that.”
But do you live it?

Do you consciously and constantly push yourself out of your comfort zone? Do you look for where you’re settling, where you’re stagnating and where you’re just a little too comfortable?
Since Covid, when the world changed and almost everyone got used to doing everything from the comfort of their living rooms, there’s been a definite shift in people’s mindsets. More and more, people are disinclined to travel. To get out there. To go to a real-life meeting. Attend an in-person event. They’re too comfortable at home or in their office. But opportunities don’t live there. Opportunities live outside of your comfort zone. And most certainly outside of your office!
I’ve just returned from a 3-week trip to Thailand. Over the 21 days, we participated in three network conferences and spoke to over 2000 people – customers, forwarders and potential new clients. That’s a lot of opportunities. Opportunities to build better relationships with our existing clients, to make new partnerships and bring some new customers on board.
There’s even the possibility of a new Millennium office opening up, headed up by someone I made connections with whilst I was there. Watch this space!
I could have stayed home. I could have given one of a million reasons not to get off my butt and go. It’s too far. … I’m too busy. … It’s too expensive. But what that would really mean is “It’s too uncomfortable and I like to be comfortable.” Just think about what opportunities I’d have missed!
So are you getting out of your comfort zone enough? Are you taking the actions needed to get in front of new opportunities and meet new people? Or have you set up camp in your comfort zone with a cup of tea and your slippers? Too comfortable to go back out and see what the big wide world has to offer you…
That’s all from me today – I’m going to go take a nap! This jet lag is definitely NOT comfortable. But man, it was worth it…