+44(0) 121 311 0550 info@millenniumcargo.com

It’s here. We all knew it was coming.

That confusing time of year when you don’t know what day it is, you don’t know what you should be doing and when and you can’t quite fasten the top button of your trousers (I think the tumble dryer shrunk them…)

The time between Christmas and New Year, also known as “Twixmas” is a confusing time for everyone. Still high on the excitement (and sugar and brandy) of Christmas, but aware that normality and back to work is lurking just around the corner. How do you use this time? Do you get back to work? Do you relax and enjoy an extended break? 

For me, I like to use this time to reflect back on the year and look forward to the one to come. I won’t be planning 2024 this week, that was done months ago, but I will be thinking about the exciting things we’ve got happening and what I could do to make sure next year gets off to a good start once Big Ben rings in the New Year. 

I won’t bore you with my goals, but there’s one thing in particular that’s happening very soon that I think you’ll be excited about. After a 5 year break (Yikes! Where did those years go!) the Cargo Chronicle is back in production! For those of you who are new here, the Cargo Chronicle is the BEST freight forwarding printed newsletter that brings you education, news and entertainment right to your doorstep. The first “NEW” edition will be landing in January, and if you want to get a copy, all you have to do is hit reply to this email with your postal address. 

I promise you, this isn’t some dreary, boring news pamphlet. It’s an engaging and valuable resource that will help you understand freight and grow your business too. There’s even a crossword puzzle…

That’s all for me this year – I’m signing off until we all sing Auld Lang Sygn and pop a cork or two. So enjoy Twixmas, have a Happy New Year! And I’ll see you in 2024!