Is Your Business All Lip Gloss & Mascara?
december 2022
I’m no beauty pageant expert, but I came across something the other day that got me thinking…
Miss England contestant, Melissa Raouf, is breaking the mould and doing something that’s never been done before in the whole 94 years the competition has been running.
This 20-year-old politics student is competing against England’s most beautiful women – and she’s doing it totally bare-faced. No make up. None. Zilch. Nada.

Now, in the world of TikTok filters, lip fillers and photoshop, that’s a pretty brave move. Even before the age of social media, our culture here has always been one that tied beauty to make-up and perfectly presented women. Will she win? I don’t know. That’s for the judges to decide, but Melissa has certainly gained a lot of popularity online. I think this is a great idea. In the age of social media, it can be hard to see through the filters and Photoshop and to know what’s real.
But it’s the same in business. We can take our offering and dress it up with fancy flyers, slick websites and smooth-talking salesmen, but I want to ask you, what’s underneath? If we stripped away your smart marketing and the “make-up” you use to present your business, what’s left? Do you have a solid business, with a valuable offering that serves your clients and delivers them results? Or are you all lip gloss and mascara?
I’ve been in business for over 26 years now. We’ve been through two recessions, a pandemic and now we’re navigating our way through the cost of living crisis. And we’re still going strong. Not because we’re all dolled up and presenting ourselves well, but because we deliver. We’ve got substance. We care about our customers and provide a solid service that saves them money and makes life easier.
That’s the true beauty in business… Not how well you sell or how smart you can market, but the true value and purpose underneath it all – and the quality of the service you provide your customers.
So how about you? Does your business have substance beneath your “make-up”?