+44(0) 121 311 0550 info@millenniumcargo.com

As we wave goodbye to 2023 and sail into 2024, now is the perfect time to look back and reflect on everything that happened over the past year.

Was it a good one? A bad one? An ugly one even? Most years are a bit of all of the above aren’t they? Well, with the exception of 2020, we can all agree that one was a whopper! 

For Millennium, 2023 has been a good year. We’ve served our customers well, grown, learnt and made some exciting changes that will keep us competitive in this ever-changing, technology-mad world. I’ve been able to get back out there in the big wide world, travelling to China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Bali and Thailand, to meet with our network and catch up with our customers. I even got a sneaky holiday in to Lanzarote too. 

As we move into the new year, we’ve some exciting plans lined up – The Cargo Chronicle is BACK! And will be hitting your doorsteps shortly, plus we’ve more plans for growth, streamlining and making moving your goods around the world even easier. Watch this space…

I’ve got big plans for 2024 – But do you know what I don’t have? New Year’s resolutions. The stats are in – 90% of New Year’s resolutions fail by February. Now I don’t know about you, but I’d say that’s some pretty poor odds. So what can you do instead?  More of…Less of… Instead of setting yourself unrealistic, hard-going goals that will probably flop by Feb, take a more relaxed and realistic approach. 

What would you like more of in 2024? Better health? More fun? More sleep? And what would you like less of? Less stress? Less time spent doom scrolling on social media? Less belly fat or a smaller muffin top? 

By setting yourself “More of/Less of” targets, instead of rigid, difficult goals, you make it easier to succeed. Why? Because a New Year’s resolution of “I will go to the gym 3 times every week” is easy to break. It only takes one slip-up, one long day at work, one head cold, one drop in motivation – and you’ve broken your resolution. But a “More of/Less of” target allows for the flexibility and ever-changing nature of life. If instead of your “gym 3 times a week” resolution, you set yourself the target of “more exercise” then you don’t have to have a perfect rap sheet. You just have to show up more than you did last year – which, let’s be honest, was probably not much! This means that every time you show up at the gym, you’re succeeding and one slip-up doesn’t leave you feeling like a failure. 

So that’s my two pence on resolutions… How about you? Did you set any? Do you do something different? What’s your “More of/Less of” targets for 2024? 

I’d love to hear your thoughts…