+44(0) 121 311 0550 info@millenniumcargo.com
Are Your Huskies Running Amok?

Are Your Huskies Running Amok?

Are your huskies out of line?  Back in 1925, in a deep, dark town in Alaska called Nome, an outbreak of Diptheria was causing chaos. Spreading fast, the outbreak had ripped through the town’s supply of antitoxin, leaving vulnerable children and the elderly at serious...
Breakdancing…I could do that, right?

Breakdancing…I could do that, right?

We’ve all had that moment of bravado where we think we can do anything.  From the time when you’re a kid and you decide you can definitely jump off that really high climbing frame, to the more recent time when you may have had one too many beers, and you thought...
Robot Restaurants & Conveyor Belt Roads…

Robot Restaurants & Conveyor Belt Roads…

Japan has some pretty cool stuff.  From robot restaurants and high-tech toilets with heated seats to capsule hotels and owl cafes. But it seems their innovation doesn’t end there… They’ve just unveiled plans for a 500km conveyor belt road that could replace 25,000...
A fight you can’t win …

A fight you can’t win …

You’ve heard the story of David and Goliath?.  It’s a classic tale of how the underdog, using strategy and skill, can defeat even the strongest opponent. Well, what happens when two Goliaths fight? That’s what’s going on in the automotive world right now. China...
Pirates Aren’t Your Only Problem…

Pirates Aren’t Your Only Problem…

Struggling with your freight? Surprised by the timescales and prices of your recent shipments?   I won’t lie, it’s challenging times for the freight and logistics industry. Several factors have been impacting availability, capacity and speed of cargo delivery –...