Unexpected Hitchhikers
july 2023
Sometimes you get what you pay for… …And sometimes you get a little more.
That’s what Neville discovered when he bought a broccoli from the local supermarket, and got an unexpected surprise.
Now, I don’t know Nevile. He’s just some 63-year-old dude from Stourbridge who I read about in the news. But I bet his day went something like this…

In need of a nutritious dinner, our buddy Nev, got his Tesco carrier bag out of the giant bag stuffed full of bags in the cupboard under the stairs, and made his way to Aldi. As he wandered down the aisle of veg, something green caught his eye. A broccoli. A big, green, healthy-looking cruciferous wonder. He picked it up, popped it in his bag and made his way to the checkout.
After waiting in line, behind 5 other customers including the mum with an angry toddler and an old guy buying a bottle of scotch and some cotton buds, he stepped up to take his turn to pay. He then proceeded to try and catch all the shopping that the 17-year-old check out boy was throwing across that scanner like it was a race and his life depended on it. Before then attempting to squish all his items into the single carrier bag he brought with him, because he’s “not paying 10p for another bag when I’ve got a bag full of bags at home”.
Eventually, he arrives home and starts to unpack the shopping… And that’s when he meets him. His unexpected guest. A venomous-looking snake, curled up in his broccoli! So what happened next? Nev kept his cool and called for help and the sneaky snake is now living his best life in Dudley Zoo.
Now, as freight forwarders, we’re no strangers to unwanted “hitchhikers” in cargo. Snails, ants, spiders… they all like to sneak into cargo and hitch a free ride around the world. But it’s more than just a problem for people who are scared of creepy crawlies. A non-native species can change the whole ecosystem. Something as small as a few ants can starve native species, appropriate resources and change the habitat of a place forever.
Luckily, most countries have a way of minimizing the risks. Japan for example has a whole act dedicated to the handling of invasive species reaching their shores. It’s called the Alien Species Act.
With over 35 years in freight, I’ve heard a fair few “hitchhiker” stories – but I’d love to hear yours! What’s the weirdest thing you’ve heard of stowing away in a container? Hit reply and let me know…