+44(0) 121 311 0550 info@millenniumcargo.com

The big day is nearly here! Just a couple more days before we can don an ugly Christmas jumper, put the out-of-office on, put the naughty elf back in its box and sit back and relax with an eggnog or two.

Will Santa be coming to your house this Christmas? What did you ask for for Christmas? Socks? Slippers? The latest Xbox? A Rolex? Only kidding… 

I love a Christmas pressie as much as the next person, but what I really love about Christmas is taking a few days off. And I mean really off. No emails. No phone calls. No “I should just do this real quick” Switched off and totally disconnected from the outside world. 

Part of the beauty of Christmas is that it’s the one time of year when it’s totally ok to do this – expected in fact! No one expects you to open your emails or respond to your DMs at Christmas. You’re allowed to be absent. And this switch-off can be hugely beneficial, not only for your mental health and stress levels, but for your business too. 

You see, just a little bit of breathing space, a break with no demands, distractions or obligations, can give you a clearer, more focused mindset that helps you move towards your goals with more efficiency. So take a guilt-free break this Christmas. Really switch off, enjoy some time with the family and see how refreshed you feel when you come back to work. 

We’ll be taking a little break here at Millennium HQ too. Our offices will be closed on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day, but in the meantime, I just wanted to thank you for your support and business this past year, Millennium wouldn’t be here without you. 

Have a wonderful Christmas and I’ll see you on the other side!
