Absolute Chaos
july 2022
Us Brits love to have a good moan. We moan about the weather – we’ve just had a week of record-breaking heat and now we’re whingeing about the dull, grey cloud
We complain about the neighbours, the government, the mother-in-law… You name it, we know how to whinge about it…
I’d love to say the media are to blame – but I think quietly mumbling our complaints to each other is a part of our culture. But the media here definitely don’t help.

I’m heading to France this weekend and everyone I’ve mentioned it to has “Ohh good luck with that” travel right now is a nightmare! Thanks mostly to the media reporting headlines like “Channel travel chaos continues with ‘holiday hell’ at Eurotunnel”.
It’s true we’re experiencing some disruption. Airlines are capping numbers, airport security queues are chaos and the port of Dover has turned into Kent’s biggest car park with traffic queueing for nearly 24 hours just to get to the port! But the media is doing its thing and making a mountain out of a molehill.
Now, this weekend is an important one – me and my buddies are off to Rennes, France to watch my team, The Villa, play their final pre-season friendly game. We’ll eat good food, enjoy the match and drink a few beers… It’s some much-needed respite after a busy couple of months.
So am I stressing about the airports or the ports? Not really. I’ve planned my journey, I’ll show up early to get through security and even if I have to wait a few hours before my ferry that’s no big deal. Why? Because I know what to expect.
There’s some really interesting human behaviour studies that show people are happy to wait longer for something as long as they know how long. They’d rather wait for 3 hours for a train knowing it will be three hours, than 30 minutes with the uncertainty of not knowing how long it will take for it to come!
Now, I’m not saying I want my ferry to be delayed by 3 hours – but it’s an interesting thing to think about – especially in the freight industry. You see, traditionally freight had a lot of uncertainty when it came to timing. You’d book your container on a ship, it would set sail…and then you’d hear nothing for weeks. Where is your cargo? Is it safe? Is it making progress? When will it get here?
Well, those days are gone. At Millennium we’re taking the uncertainty out of moving your goods around the world. With exceptional communication and our easy-to-use cargo tracker, you can see exactly where your cargo is and how long it will take to reach the shores of your destination. Pretty cool huh?
So what are your plans this weekend? Staying home or are you too battling the summer holiday travel chaos??