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I’ve got a bit of a problem…

september 2023

It’s an obsession really. I’m addicted to learning.

I didn’t do well at school. I wasn’t academic. But as soon as I was out in the big wide world my passion for learning and understanding new things really started to shine. 

As you probably already know, I started out with an apprenticeship in freight as soon as I left school and that career move shaped my whole future. But I didn’t just turn up and do my job every day – I committed to learning everything I could about the industry. I was like a sponge…soaking it all up. And I haven’t changed much. I’m in my 50s now and I’m still always looking to understand something new.

I’m always learning something. 

Whether that’s reading a new book or autobiography, watching documentaries, listening to podcasts, reading LinkedIn articles, asking questions of the people I meet or signing up for courses and training. 

My wife says I need a hobby… But I think this is one of the most valuable hobbies I could have. Not only does my thirst for knowledge expand my mind, but it helps me to expand my business too. As a business owner, you have to be constantly evolving, growing and changing – otherwise, you’ll stagnate and your business will start to fail to thrive – or worse – die. 

I’ve studied business strategy, marketing, sales, leadership, management… You name it, I’ve done something to develop my knowledge in that area. And you should too. Whether that means reading some books, watching some YouTube videos, or even reading a Millennium Cargo knowledge base blog or two! It doesn’t even have to be business-specific topics to be useful! Sometimes my best ideas have come from out-of-the-box thinking triggered by a random documentary about the Romans or an article I read about bees… 

So what do you do to expand your knowledge? What topics do you like to learn about and how have they helped in your business? 

I’d love to hear your stories…
