Lost Luggage
august 2022
Have you ever had an airline lose your luggage? If you have read some of my previous articles then you’ll know that I have recently returned from an overseas sales trip attending the annual global conference of Sky Alliance Network.
It was so brilliant to be back out there travelling, meeting new people and making those connections that are vital for anyone in this industry.
The network itself was a huge success. But the journey home – not so much.

You see, a small error on the airline’s part meant that while my wife and I landed safely at Birmingham International Airport – our luggage did not. At first, we were told the luggage was just behind us. It had been put on another flight and would be shipped to our home address the very next day. That day came and went – but no luggage arrived. When I contacted the airline I was told “Not to worry, it’s on its way. But please make a list of everything that was in the luggage and its monetary value.”
Now, I don’t know about you, but I didn’t find that to be particularly reassuring. That bag didn’t just have some shorts, flip flops and pyjamas in – it had all my favourite clothes and three pairs of my “best” trainers in it. Sure, they can give me the money to replace the items – but I won’t be able to find the exact same things – and not to mention the hassle of finding replacements!
As a freight forwarder, we often get asked if we can track your cargo? Whether you’re importing or exporting goods for business – or transporting your most prized possession – you want to know where your cargo is every step of the way. That’s why we created our cargo tracker.
When you move your cargo with Millennium, you can track your shipment every step of the way with our free online tool. It’s super simple to use. You just pop your consignment number into the search bar and “Bob’s Your Uncle”! It will show you exactly where in the world your goods are!
If only consumer airlines offered the same service for luggage, hey? So what about you? Have you got any lost luggage tales to share? I’d love to hear them…