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90% Of You Will Fail By February

January 2023

Well, here it is…2023. Whether you celebrated with a big party or a quiet night in front of the telly, I hope you had a wonderful time and I wish you a very Happy New Year!

But before we get back into the swing of things, I want to ask you a little question…

Did you make any New Year’s resolutions?

Here in the UK, it’s kind of a tradition to hit the New Year with a renewed sense of optimism and a ton of unrealistic resolutions. Losing weight, quitting smoking, cutting down drinking, joining the gym… all very popular choices. 

And all positive goals to set yourself… but there’s one problem. New Year’s resolutions just don’t stick. In fact, research shows that 90% of resolutions fail by February. That’s a whopping amount. 

Now, I don’t tell you this to rain on your parade. And I certainly don’t want to encourage you not to make positive progress in your life, but there is a better solution – and it’s incredibly simple. So why don’t resolutions stick? Well, there’s lots of reasons… But mostly, it’s because at the turn of midnight, you’re still the same person you were before. With the same ideas, hopes, dreams, triggers and habits. January 1st can’t change that. 

So what’s the answer? Habits. Instead of setting big hairy resolutions that you’ll likely never achieve, create small sustainable habits instead. Sounds simple, but it really is a complete game-changer. 

A few years ago I came across a book that explains this far better than I ever could. It’s called “The Slight Edge”. It’s one of those books that sticks with you, the ones that spring to mind when someone asks for a “best book recommendation” – and the perfect book to read in January. If you haven’t read it yet, I highly recommend it. It could just change your life… 

So how about you? Have you set any new years resolutions? I’d love to hear what they are and why you chose them?