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Are your huskies out of line? 

Back in 1925, in a deep, dark town in Alaska called Nome, an outbreak of Diptheria was causing chaos. Spreading fast, the outbreak had ripped through the town’s supply of antitoxin, leaving vulnerable children and the elderly at serious risk of dying. Dr Welch, the town’s only doctor, knew that they were in trouble. They were surrounded by a sea of ice and the harsh winter storms made it impossible for ships or planes to bring more supply. But Dr W didn’t give up on his people that easily. He came up with a plan. A plan many deemed madness, but if it worked, it could save lives. 

Anchorage was a neighbouring town a mere 600 miles away, and Dr W’s genius plan was to get someone to travel by dog sled (yes, you read that right) to bring more antitoxin. Leonhard Seppala was one of the most skilled and respected mushers in Alaska (and probably a little barmy, too as he was willing to take on this mission!) With his huskies and lead dog, Togo, at the helm, Seppala made the 260 mile journey, through -50 degree temperatures, winds, snow and blizzards, to reach their hand-over point where another musher (who must have been equally as nuts as the rest of them) took over. Gunner Kaasen and his dogs, led by Balto, took off into the night, facing one of the worst storms Alaska had seen in years. Finally, on February 2nd 1925, Kaasen, Balto and the antitoxin reached the small town of Nome, preventing a full-scale epidemic and saving the lives of hundreds of people.

Now, none of this could have been possible without some crazy rule-breakers, innovators and people who were willing to take a risk and push boundaries. But it also wouldn’t have happened without a ton of training, discipline and order too. 

As business owners, we’re born to break rules. To create, push boundaries and inspire massive change. But this can bring with it a level of uncertainty, disorder and, at times, chaos. 

I was recently working with a new coach, bouncing from topic to topic and sharing my ideas, challenges, thoughts (and chaos!), and she said something to me that really struck a chord. She said “Put those huskies back in line, those huskies are running amok” And she was right. 

Do you think the Great Serum Run would have been a success if the huskies ran amok? Or if the crazy game-changers who undertook that mission lacked mental discipline, order and focus? I highly doubt it. It’s the same in your business too. Creativity and chaos are part of innovation, but without order nothing gets done. 

So, how are your huskies? Are they trained, ordered and ready to complete your mission? Or are they running amok? 

I’d love to hear about it…
