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Often it’s the boring things in life that make the biggest difference…

When I was young, I loved excitement, variety and uncertainty. I’d be the first in line to try something new, always coming up with ideas and open to doing things differently. These are all great traits for an entrepreneur. But as with all things in life, there needs to be a little balance. To be a good entrepreneur you also have to be good at the boring stuff too. Like consistency. Often it’s not that one big thing that we do once that brings incredible results – it’s the small “boring” things that we do over and over and over that compound and make the most impact. 

Take my weekly blogs as an example… I’ve been sending these blogs for nearly 7 years now. Every week. One blog. For 7 years. That’s around 364 blogs written and sent in total. And the results today are well worth it. Each week I get a flurry of replies, enquiries and great feedback. When I travel the world attending networks, I get random people shaking my hand and saying “Hey, you’re the email guy! I love your stuff, I look forward to it every week.” It raises Millennium’s profile, helps educate people and builds relationships. But it didn’t happen in a day. Or a week. Or even a year. It took time – and most importantly consistency! 

Most business owners are a bit like me. They love the bright, shiny exciting stuff! And that’s great – but you’ve got to get good at consistency too. Unfortunately, consistency doesn’t usually come easily to us entrepreneurial types! We like the innovation, the implementation, the ideas, the new and exciting stuff. But you’ve got to overcome that. You’ve got to get good at “boring” too. It’s no good doing something once, or twice or even a handful of times and then complaining that you’re not getting results. It’s what you do over and over that makes the difference. 

So what have you started but never consistently mastered? What “should” you be doing consistently but aren’t? And most importantly, how can you increase your consistency and start building some momentum? You don’t have to do it all alone! You can use systems, processes, automations and staff too – the important thing is that wherever it is that needs doing, gets done over and over and on time. 

I’d love to hear about some consistency you’ve mastered and seen results from? Or things that you’re struggling to be consistent with? 

 I’d love to hear your thoughts…