they think it’s all over
may 2023
Well, that marks the end of another fantastic football season. A season filled with highs and lows, incredible matches and heart-breaking goals…
As a Villa fan, I’ve spent many a weekend over the past 9 months visiting stadiums up and down the country, cheering on the lads.
And they’ve given us a season we can be proud of – 38 matches played, 18 wins, 7 draws and a final position of 7th in the Premier League and with this ensuring a European Qualifying game to boot also.

So as the summer break begins, they’ll likely take some R&R time for sure, but they’ll also start evaluating their past year’s performance and creating a strategy to move them up the tables next season. People think that football is all about players, but there’s a huge amount of strategy in it too. A good coach can turn a team around. A bad coach can be the difference between topping the tables and falling out of the league.
It’s much the same in business. The strategy you take and your leadership skills will play a huge part in your success (or failure!) over the coming year.
The end of May doesn’t just mark the end of the season for football fans, it’s our financial year end here at Millennium too, so it always serves as a good reminder to me to evaluate our results. Each year I spend a little time looking over the progress we’ve made over the past 12 months, what worked, what didn’t, what we’re doing well and what we need to improve – creating our game plan for the next season. This is about more than just sales and revenue, but goals, aspirations and failures too.
If you want to truly succeed in business, you’ve got be really honest with yourself. If you didn’t hit your goals for last year, don’t cover it up with excuses. Be open to the idea that it was your fault. That you could have done better – and more importantly – ask yourself the question how you can do better?
If you want to play in the “Premier League” of business, you have to bring your A game and behave like a top level coach. Evaluate your actions and results, build a new strategy and keep focused on the goals you want to score.
So, what’s your strategy for the next season in your business? Do you have one? Or are you a “fly by the seat of your pants” kinda business owner? I’d love to hear your thoughts…