Fancy a fish Ice cream?
june 2023
Have you ever asked for fish ice cream in an italian gelateria? It’s an easy mistake to make… pesca, pescare… so similar.
That’s the thing with foreign languages, it’s so easy to make a mistake. And when you do get something as simple as a single word wrong, it can cause big problems.
If you’re ordering an ice cream, the worst that can happen is you get some odd looks, a few giggles and someone politely asking if you meant “peach” rather than “fish”.

But what if you’re not ordering ice cream, but instead you’re looking for a company to move your precious cargo to the other side of the world? At Millennium, we’re all about making life easier for our customers. For the past few months, our website has been available in three languages – English, Spanish and Chinese.
But as time has gone on, the website has grown and we’ve added our knowledge base blog, we’ve realised it’s time to expand a little further, and add some more translations. But which languages should we do next? That’s where you come in my amigos…
You guys are the lifeblood of the business, my clients, my customers, my friends! So tell me, what languages would you like to see on the Millennium website? Portuguese? Arabic? German? Japanese?, Malaysian?, Thai? You tell me! And we’ll make it happen…
The Millennium website isn’t just a brochure site that’s here to advertise my business – it’s becoming a hive of information and a useful hub for anyone moving goods between countries.
On the site, you’ll find…
- The Knowledge Base – Blogs to make understanding freight easy
- CO2 Calculator – To help make your freight more eco-friendly
- Cargo Tracker – So you can track your cargo on its way around the world
- Blog – Funny tales, mindset lessons and freight news…
So, got a language you’d like to see on the site? Or perhaps another resource? Hit reply to this email and let me know…