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Where do you get your ideas?

If you’ve been on my mailing list for a while, you’ll know that no two emails are the same. Every week I land in your inbox with something new, thought-provoking and hope a little entertaining! I’ve been writing these blogs for nearly 7 years now. One a week. Every week. That’s nearly 364 different topics we’ve covered – but I’m not out of ideas just yet! 

Why do I do it? Multiple reasons. Visibility is one. The world of freight isn’t known for its exciting content or innovative thinking, so these emails help me to stand out. Every time I travel to a Network I get shouts of “Oi, you’re the email guy aren’t you?” it helps to raise my profile and make Millennium memorable. Another reason is contribution. I’ve been around the sun a fair few times and much of my life has been spent in the world of freight and business. I’ve learned a few lessons and I want to help educate, inspire and support other business owners on their journey. 

But the real reason is you. My subscribers. In a disconnected world, I think relationships are more important than ever. And as we all know, good relationships require good communication. So that’s what we do. My weekly emails aren’t just one-way “blurts of buy my stuff” they’re conversation starters. Thought provokers. An invitation to reach out and connect. Every week I get tons of replies, some just a quick thanks, and others sharing stories or thoughts of their own  – and I read every single one. But a question I get asked a lot is “Where do you get all your ideas?” and the answer is a pretty simple one – ideas are everywhere, all you have to do is pay attention. 

What do I mean? Just be alert and on the lookout for ideas, lessons, stories and inspiration in everything you do. It could be a news story you see on your social media timeline, a trip to the dentist or even just a conversation you have with someone in the checkout line that sparks your imagination. Many of my ideas come from conversations, daily activities, trips, news articles or stories and replies sent in by you wonderful readers. Pretty much everything can be interesting if you pay attention to what you can learn from it. Take this email as an example… This email came about because someone asked me where I get all my ideas from? But I didn’t just answer his question and move on with my to-do list. Because I’m actively and consciously paying attention, I popped it on my “ideas for later” list too…. And here we are! 

So how about you? Where do you get your inspiration from? Are you living consciously and paying attention or are you so caught up in the day to day that brilliant ideas are passing you by…

I’d love to hear from you…