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Did you hear about the guy who crashed the New York Fashion Week runway in a bin bag and shower cap?

No it’s not the start of a bad joke… This really happened just a few weeks ago. Fashion week was well underway, with models, designers and spectators all gathering together to enjoy a bizarre display of what I’m told is “fashion” when an imposter sporting a seethrough binbag and shower cap started strutting down the runway. The funniest part is… no one seemed to notice until the security guard set chase and took him down! You’ve gotta appreciate the guy’s gumption – he’s not letting imposter syndrome hold him back, he’s living his dream!

I’ve been in business a long time now, but I remember when imposter syndrome would rear its ugly head in the early days.

“Do you really know what you’re doing?” 

“Are you sure you can achieve that?” 

“Who do you think you are trying to take on the big boys?”

Thankfully, I heard the voices for what they were – just fears. Fears that I wouldn’t be good enough. Fears that I would fail. Fears that other people would judge me. And fears are all in your head. They are not real. So I stayed focused, I worked on myself and I worked on my business. I ignored the fears and took the steps necessary to move me towards my goals. And with every step the voices got quieter, the fears lessened and the imposter syndrome eventually faded away.

I’ve been in business for a long time now. I’ve a fair few years behind me and a ton of experience – both good and bad. It’s been many years since I last allowed those fears to have a voice and my business has thrived because of it.

Imposter syndrome is something that everyone struggles with at some point (well, everyone it seems except for our buddy in the binbag!) But all you have to do is face your fears and let them go. So what if you fail? Fail fast. Learn and pivot. So what if people judge you? You don’t need judgey people in your life anyway. So what if you don’t do it perfectly the first time around? At least you tried. Now try again. Master your mind or it will hold you back from achieving your full potential.

So how about you?

Do you suffer from imposter syndrome? Do you have any fears that are holding you back? Or would you be happy to crash the runway in a bin bag?

I’d love to hear your thoughts…